Become a successful leader following the 5 main exemplary practices!

Become a successful leader following the 5 main exemplary practices!

Find out how the top 5 exemplary practices can make you a successful leader and start putting your knowledge to work.

by Thiago Coutinho

Published on August 24, 2021

Updated on June 21, 2022


An exemplary leader of an organization should always update himself and be aware of changes in demands in order to always be prepared for leadership challenges and competitive situations and scenarios of the labor market.

The search for improvement processes is constant within an organization. This ends up raising important doubts, how to keep in a process of continuous improvement?

The answer to this question is very simple and involves the development of skills and abilities that allow you to face such changes, to know the best way to get around problems, and, finally, offer the best experience to your customers.

As leaders, we need to know what expectations we occupy about the role and what the entire team and organization expect. Your mission needs to be very clear and attention to what surrounds you is essential: what needs and can be improved?

Dialogue is fundamental for the implementation of this process. Therefore, seek to be in touch with all the professionals around you and find out your desires and motivations.

Another fundamental point is transparency for those who are part of your team. Communication needs to be a clear process that passes all the necessary information to your team as a whole.

Leaders who do not pass on trust and objectivity to their team are not at all positive for the final results of the processes developed, and consequently for an organization as a whole.

We have separated in this article, information about the main leadership practices for you to know the benefits that this area can bring to your professional career and the management of your organization. Check it out!

  • Develop shared management
  • What are the 5 skills of an Exemplary Leader?
  • "Leadership is also action!"
  • 5 Leadership Tips
  • Don't stop here!


Develop shared management

We all know examples of successful leaders in our society, but we can ask ourselves: do they all have common characteristics? Do they work the same way? Barry Posner and James Kouzes, after years of interviewing and analyzing highly effective leaders, realized the existence of some common practices among these managers.

Thus, it was concluded that there are five exemplary basic leadership practices adopted by major leaders in the world. In addition, it is possible to perceive concrete actions that can be used in your daily life to increasingly improve your performance as a leader and, consequently, the result of your team.

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Performance evaluation by competence

What are the 5 skills of an Exemplary Leader?

A successful leadership requires skills such as:


A good leader should show confidence to inspire other team members to achieve their goals and objectives in the same way. His posture has the power to serve as a reference for those who are below him, creating a path to achievement and showing reliability in his actions and decisions.


An exemplary leader must make decisions based on how the organization can stand out and can achieve great feats. His key skill is the ability to envision the future and visualize ideal scenarios, goals, dreams and values for a company.


Patience is a very essential feature for a great leader. It is necessary, within their responsibilities, to know how to deal in a harmonious and balanced way with other people's feelings, their questions, complaints and difficulties present in the workplace.


An intelligent leader is important because, through his knowledge, experience, wisdom and strategies, he is responsible for big and small wins and making great decisions within the company. Their ability to act and think intelligently is important for their respect, authority and for the development of the work environment.


A great leader must have advanced communication skills, so that he knows how to understand and transmit everything that is important for the dynamics among the other members of the team.

"Leadership is also action!"

The conclusion of the study by Barry Posner and James Kouzes makes us realize that leadership is not a "state" but an "action". Therefore, in the study of effective leaders, there was a great similarity between certain actions and the survey of "ex exemplary leadership practices" was made.

Leadership is not an exact science, and for that there is no magic formula to be used and thus become a great leader. However, there are basic and exemplary actions and practices that every great leader performs and, through this, achieves success.

From this study, Barry Posner and James Kouzes formulated the 5 exemplary leadership practices.

Now that you understand that leadership is action, let's take the first step together!

5 Leadership Tips

1. Trace your way

Trace your way

One of the main exemplary leadership practices is to understand your characteristics and philosophy of life.

This step must be done from the inside out: the principles that will guide your journey must be clear and well defined.

Also, keep in mind that it is important to be authentic in how to lead your team when modeling your path!

2. Develop shared management

Develop shared management

The future is uncertain and unfortunately, there is no guarantee of its final result or even a step-by-step way to achieve a successful career. After all, circumstances can change at any time!

And that's why one of the exemplary leadership practices is being able to look to the future and see where your team can go. Thus, no matter how obstacles there are, the leader must be optimistic and inspire a shared vision in everyone.

3. Challenge the process

The significant transformations are carried out by great professionals and leaders. Therefore, one of the exemplary leadership practices is to get out of the status quo, that is, think "out of the box" and always do beyond what is expected.

This must be the leader's mentality, there is always room for improving processes and activities, there is nothing that cannot be improved, especially processes considered perfect.

Therefore, look for opportunities for improvement, don't be afraid to experiment and take risks! It will certainly be a way to learn and develop.

4. Work together

Working as a team

The leader must have an excellent relationship with his team and know his strengths and weaknesses to carry the improvement actions. The understanding that the leader does nothing alone is essential. So don't hesitate to delegate tasks!

It will always be necessary to offer power and responsibility to win the best of the team. In addition, the leader must motivate a sense of ownership and create an environment of mutual respect and self-confidence.

5. Stimulate the development of your team

Value your team

All leaders should encourage their followers to motivate them and "play them up". It is essential that the leader recognizes the contribution of its members and demonstrates gratitude for individual and group excellence. Words of gratitude touch people's hearts, in addition to creating a sense of collective identity and a spirit of community for success and excellence.

Don't stop here!

Now that you have access to incredible material with exemplary leadership practices, it's time to go further and develop professionally more and more!

Finally, you will have the opportunity to study with references in leadership and management and be part of a high-performance network to develop skills!

Want to know how to jumpstart your career and become a true leader?

Discover the Leadership Development Program for FREE, which prepares you to be a complete leader through personal development, communication techniques, feedback practices and coaching concepts to help you achieve high performance.

Do you know the importance of self-knowledge in shaping a true leader? Knowing your options and weaknesses is fundamental for you to be ahead of a team and be prepared for the most adverse situations.

Leadership Development Program